Ho boy.  This book is a real brain burner.  Not exactly fun reading but real work.  Still I am slogging through it.  On "Book 7" a little more than halfway through.

Aurelius says if you wish to cheer yourself, think of all the good qualities of those you daily interact with.  The generosity of this person, the smile of that person.  Etc.

If you aren't happy with your body... just remember you only inhabit it for a short period of time.  Focus on the time you have left in it and how you are going to make the most of it.

Ambitious fools consider the praise of others to be the source of happiness; wise men consider their own actions the source.

If I have the ability to figure out a situation, I will use my ability to do so.  However if I lack the ability, I will leave it alone or work through it with the guidance of those more skilled than I.

Material things soon rot away.

Whatever anyone else does, you must do good for your own honor.

Why fear change when change is the root of all new and good things?

Pity those who commit sins against you; when you pity their ignorance, you will not get angry and will maintain your rational good nature and honor.

A person is better looking or stronger than I; what of it?  Do they handle themselves better?  Are they wiser, more modest, calmer than I?  How one IS is what matters.

Anything that doesn't better our nature is unworthy of our nature.

Big boy words:
Dissimulation = form of deception, commonly concealing one's own ability to gain advantage over another
Vainglory = unjustified boasting
One really important point that I just came across:  Aurelius drives home the point that you must always consider that on this day you are closer to death than any other day before.  Furthermore you must always be aware that your faculties may fail you before you die, should you live a long life, so do not waste a moment.  As for the fear of death he says that you must calmly accept the fact that you will die.  Death is just the conversion of the matter you are temporarily made of into another form.  The matter itself does not fear this change, which happens unending, so why should you?  Do what you are doing, be what you say you are going to be with the gusto of a person who may die at any moment.

Another good point:  Consider the right path and stick to it.  Don't turn away for even momentary indulgences as they will lead you astray.  If others say a venture or action is profitable, and to a rational man it is, stick to it.  If others mean profitable in that man is a base creature looking to indulge, reject it.

Yet another:  Meet the world calmly.  Reject anger and violence.  Meet others with love.  If forced to endure ignorance in others, which is a type of blindness, meet it  with pity and compassion.

The world is change and this life is merely opinion.  Consider the chaos of eternity before and after this moment and just how short and meaningless human experience and praise is.

Don't ever change your mind to gain praise or approval, only change your mind if the evidence justifies it.

Don't be a gossip or busybody.  Worry only about your own life.  Don't judge others, worry about being good yourself.

Strive for mastery in whatever profession you practice.

Pay attention to the rational part of yourself.  Learn what it is afraid of and what it wants.  Know yourself.  Don't blame your bad behaviors on others, it dwells in you alone.

What are you, if you lack honor and divinity, but a soul carrying a carcass around?

There is a time for rest, even nature rests... however never rest longer than is required.  Nature has put you here for a reason, not to experience pleasure.  Get to work on that reason before indulging in pleasure.

Be content to do good deeds because they are right.  Do not expect praise or repayment.

To what use am I putting my soul?  Often ask yourself this.

One's soul is colored by one's thoughts. Make sure your soul is dyed properly.

You must ask yourself how you have treated those around you.  Have you wronged them in any way?  Even if not, have you brought truly good things to them?

The best kind of revenge is to not become like them.

Big Boy Words:
Excrescence = diseased growth
Aposteme = swelling filled with putrid matter
Contumely = insulting language/treatment
Pusillanimous = timid, no determination
Compendious = comprehensive yet concise
Starting this one today.  This is not going to be a fun one... Marcus Aurelius writes in a very old Shakespeare manner.  Slow going and sometimes I have to re-read the entire paragraph slowly out-loud to get what he is saying.  Let you know how it goes.
All achievements are the result of directed thought.  Dream big, you will become it.  Dreams are the seedlings of realities.  Everyone realizes their deep desires, so think good things.  Always be calm and exercise self control. Self control is strength.  Right thought is mastery.  Calmness is power.

Well that was a good essay that I am glad I read.  I will have to read it again I think.
Started reading this essay by James Allen today.  Good read.  So far some insights are:  Mind/Soul is like a garden, it must be tendered and kept neat through effort.  Without effort weeds will grow (bad thoughts and patterns).  You must give yourself purpose through force of thought.  Good thoughts always lead to good behaviors which in turn lead to good circumstances... bad thoughts are the opposite.  Before you rise, conquer and achieve, you must lift your thoughts.